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Contribution guidelines

If you want to contribute to Kubespider, please read the following content.

Install Kubespider

Before developing, you need to install Kubespider first.

git clone
cd kubespider
bash hack/

Deploy with updated dependencies

If you add/update python lib dependencies( requirements.txt needs to be modified), you need to deploy Kubespider with the following steps:

1.Build an image in Kubespider code directory

In china mainland, it may build failed if without HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY, so please set if you have proxy. But if you don't have it, please delete --build-arg related.

docker build -t cesign/kubespider:latest -f Dockerfile ./ --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=http://<server>:<port> --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=http://<server>:<port>

2.Delete exist Kubespider container

docker rm kubespider --force

3.Launch Kubespider with the newest image

export image_registry=cesign
docker run -itd --name kubespider \
    -v ${HOME}/kubespider/.config:/app/.config \
    --network=host \
    --restart unless-stopped \

Deploy with no dependencies update

If no new dependencies are added/updated, you can run the following command to run Kubespider with the modified code:

# Run it in Kubespider code directory
docker cp kubespider kubespider:/app/ && docker restart kubespider

Give a PR

Once you finish developing and do enough testing, you can create a PR in this repository. The maintainer will check and merge it as soon as possible.